Much to my mom's delight as I got older I started eating many more vegetables (and many less m&ms). Along with my addiction to little chocolate delights I also L-O-V-E alfredo sauce. Creamy cheesy bubbly goodness. But, due to a metabolism that moves at the pace of a tortoise, alfredo every day isn't the best idea. I have to give a special shout out to my roomie (ayyyyy roomie) for sending me some ideas for dinner. Because it was through a sugestion that I came up with this delightful recipe for salmon and spinach alFREEdo (haha get it?)
So now my mama can sleep soundly,
Maybe that will be in a future post...come back and see!
Salmon and Spinach AlFREEdo
2 fillets of salmon
garlic powder
1 1/2 cups frozen spinach (thawed and drained)
1 1/2 cups plain fat free yogurt
1 tbsp corn starch
1 tsp dry dill
1 tsp horseradish
1 tbsp lemon juice
1-2 gloves pressed garlic
whole grain spaghetti noodles
garlic olive oil
Bring a large pot of water to a boil, salt, and add whole grain noodles.
Heat a skillet with high sides spray with cooking spray. Sprinkle salmon with pepper and garlic powder. Add salmon to skillet and cook until it is half way done (about 2 minutes per side). Remove salmon, add garlic cloves and spinach. In a bowl combine yogurt and corn starch; add to spinach mixture. Stir in horseradish, dill, and lemon juice. DO NOT BOIL MIXTURE. Reduce to medium/low. Shred or chop salmon fillets and add them to the sauce.
Drain your spaghetti and drizzle with garlic olive oil.
Put your noodles on your dish and top with the sauce! Yum!
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